Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Redox video rentals. The best way or place to rent movies. $1 a day.

When i first saw the big redbox movie rental quasi vending machine at my local supermarket i was curius as everyone else was i am sure. I must have walked past that thing 10 times before i finally decided to press buttons and browse the selection. I did not even know how to rent the movies and had no idea what it took, how it worked or what it really cost. The sign said $1 a day but that seemed unlikely. Boy was i wrong. It really did cost a buck and it was far simpler than any other option of renting movies than i had ever seen or experienced.

It was so simple in fact that i started renting 2 movies a night almost 2 months ago and have barely missed a day since. I am a movieholic now and you can find me in front of one of the many movie machines in my city almost every night. I love this thing. It takes less than 5 minutes to browse, select and pay for movies. You can even reserve movies online and pick them up at the nearest redbox machine. How awesome is that?

Retuning them is the same only in reverse. Just bring back the movie, click return a movie and stick them in the machine.

Renting a movie is simple also, just select your movie on the touchscreen by touching the picture, slide your debit or credit card, punch in your zip code and email address (optional) and the movies are dispensed. How could it be easier? NO line, no pressure, no questions. They even email you a reciept and send you new release information. The coolest thing is they have the new DVD's within days of its release because the machines are updated and f restocked every week and sometimes more. This is the blockbuster killer and makes getting movies by mail seem ridiculous.

I will be reviewing the Movies i rent from redbox and also putting up codes to let you get free rentals so return and check out the blog. Save money and read the reviews because i love movies.

How it works.