Monday, May 4, 2009

Redbox Free Monday Promo Codes for Monday May 04

By now you should know that redbox gives you a code for a free code every Monday, if you don't...Welcome to the uber-convenient world of redbox video rentals.

All you need to do to use this code is find a redbox vending center (you've seen them around all over)...

1. browse the selection of movies,

2. pick a movie,

3. click checkout on the easy to use touchscreen media display unit

4. Click Promo Code

5. Punch BT73H9

6. Slide your debit or credit card and get remove your movie as it is dispensed.

Make sure you put your email address in (optional) and you will get your own code next week and on holidays and such. The movie is free until 9pm the next night, .99 cent every day after. Return the disc at any redbox vending center.